Ten food items neccessary to Suger Patient.
1. Apple : There is myth that eating 1 apple will kept the people away from doctors, specially, cardiologist. The journal chart presented by Ohio University on 2012, eating an apple for 4 weeks will decrease your cholesterol in about 40 %. Cholesterol is such a acid that will help in heart problem.A chart provided by the doctor have included an apple in compulsory routine.Apple decreases a sugar level. According to Harvard School research with 2 lakh people, having a 5 apples or more than that in a week will decrease the sugar level by 33%.
2.Lodiya: Lodiya is not only good for taste but also for health. Lodiya contains 5 gm carbohydrate, 20 calorie and 2 gm fiber. It also contains a glutathione anti oxident which fights with against the aging problem.It increases the insulin and decreases the sugar level in the body.
3.Avocado: Avocado which looks alike to pears seems to be good for health.This fruit contains the enough amount of protein, fiber, thiamine, folic acid and zinc. According to different research, women having a avocado will be less affected by the another sugar by 25%.
4.Bean: Bean got a maximum fiber.Also it is a good source of protein. People should have a bean in their daily food for sugar level control.Having a 1 cup of bean vegetable in a day will control the level of sugar and also blood pressure.It also causes a control on heart attack.
5.Blue Berry: Blue Berry got a lot amount of flavonoids in it which will save people from heart problem. Fiber amount presented in blue berry will control the level of sugar in the body.Blue berry also helps to fight against cancer.
6.Bro- cauli: Beta – carotene is available in bro- cauli. This helps to fight against the sugar level.Vitamin A presented in this bro cauli is good for teeth, bone, skin and eye.The mine of folate and fiber is very good for body.
7.Carrot: Carrot is taken as a mine of Vitamin A. Vitamin A will help to fight back against different diseases.It gives a relief to sugar and get rid out from some cancer.
8.Fish: Dietary Guideline has gave a suggestion to have a fish for 2 times in a week on 2010 AD. It contains omega 3 factory acid which helps in heart problem.Patients of sugar problem should have a fish .
9.Garlic: Garlic used for the taste of food is really good for health issues. It keeps people away from high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cancer.
10. Onion: Onion containing a anti oxident helps to control sugar level.It also helps heart containing a fiber, potassium and fol ate. Onion having a flavonoids quarantine helps to fight with long term disease .
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