Indian pranksters PrankBaaz – Bach Ke Rehna re Baba recreated the same situation into a prank video. The pranksters target one of their friends. They first made a f@%ke account with the help of a girl and started chatting with him for days. After a couple of days they invited the guy at the girl’s house.He goes to the house and the plan is all set up at the place. At first both of them talk normally and the girl takes her to her bedroom. She then goes into the wash room and changes her clothes. The guy gets a bit aroused and starts talking *exu@%lly. The girl to acts as if she is interested. But suddenly a group of guys in mask come up in the room and suddenly start hitting the guy. They yell at him and tell him that now he had to do the same thing on camera. The mask men were actually the pra%nksters. They bring cameras and lights and make the scene as if they were about the shoot some uprated videos.
The guy gets sc@%red and apologizes but the mask men beat him and make him take off his clothes. Finally when he is about to take off his pant, all the people present in the room and laugh. The guy gets sh0%cked. The pranksters open their mask and reveal themselves. The poor guy whose face was blu*rred and identity was h!dden learned the lesson of his life.
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