High blood pressure is not a disease itself but this creates many serious conditions. When the pressure gets 140/90 that is said to be high blood pressure. If you bring the changes in lifestyles than you can prevent the pressure as well. To be aware from high blood pressure apply this ideas:

Do regular exercise, walk or run
This will activate the heart and helps to ease the blood to pump. While running the oxygen gets increased which helps to maintain the blood pressure.

Eat the banana daily
Banana contains potassium which keeps the liquor of body in control which also control the blood pressure Drink Curd with adding water. This contains calcium that makes the blood nerves strong and flexible so that the blood flow gets easy without pressure.

Drinking one cup of curd water daily will keep the pressure away.

Sleeping in a proper amount to helps to reduce the blood pressure. If you take out the sound while sleeping than you need to be careful, you need to sleep properly without taking out the sound.

Fatness is the enemy of blood pressure which brings risk factors of heart. So you need to maintain your weight.

Cigarettes, tobacco should be stopped. This pump up the cells of the body which produce more hormones in adrenaline gland. This will affect the heat beat so you need to quit this habit soon.

Alcohol too helps to increase the blood pressure so you need to quit such habits.

Fast food should be avoided. This is too one of the product that increases the pressure so you need to quit this habits.

You should leave drinking coffee or reduce its level. The caffeine increases the pressure.

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