There have been many examples in this world that shows that h@nd!capped people are no less than any normal person. Actually many have proved that they can do better than any normal person. Some hu*ge examples are Hellen K!ller was bl!nd, de@f and mute, George Washington had learning d!$abil!ty, Albert Einstein the greatest scientist of all time had learning di$@bil!ty and did not speak until age 3, Stephen Hawkings is completely par@lyzed etc. There are many such hu*ge examples and they have done hu*ge things in different fields. They not only !nspire every other hand!capped person but also insp!re normal people to do better.
This video is also an example. In the video it can be seen that a man is feeding his mother who is old and is ly!*ng on the floor. She looks fr@!l and very old. The $urpr!sing thing is that the man has no arms and the old lady does not appear to be negl*ected. According to sources this man met an @cc!dent which led to the double arm @mputation. Despite his d!$@bility, he wields the spoon like a pro and easily fed his ail!ng mother. He is feed!ng his mother and is taking full care of her.
The old lady has no teeth and is unable to do anything. His son on the other hand helps her do everything inspite that he himself is not capable of doing ever thing. This is a very emot!0nal video as nowadays even normal people leave their parent in an old age home or even leave them on roads. It is as if they do not care about their parents but this man is fulfilling all his responsibilities that he should as a son.

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