There are some men who seem to be natural magnets for the opposite sex, attracting women.Both men and women prefer a partner that takes care of themselves.
1The man you love, but would never have a relationship with.Almost all type of women likes such kind men. You’ve resigned yourself to the fact that he is wonderful and amazing when it comes to his women friends, but with his romantic interests, he’s a complete nightmare. This makes it easy for you to adore him as a friend and easy for him to return the adoration without his antics.

2. The man who has encouraged you in your career. This can be a teacher or a colleague, or any man who believed in you when you didn’t. There was a guy I knew in college who always used to tell me I was destined for greatness.This type of men womens need in her life.This type of men womens need in her life. When I was at low points in my career, I often thought of him and his encouragement buoyed me. He still sends me emails like, “I can’t wait to read your first book” or “Have you considered doing screenplays?”

3. The man you can call to help you move your couch. Or if you have a gas leak. Or if you think someone just broke into your apartment. This type of men womens need in her life.Or if you’re me, the guy you call when you’ve trapped a cockroach under a glass in your kitchen and you think you’ll die if you have to dispose of it on your own. For the record, I change my own lightbulbs.

4. The man who adores you exactly the way you are. This type of men womens need in her life.Whether you’ve had any kind of romantic involvement with this man or not, he thinks you are the goddamn dog’s pajamas. Everything single thing you do. Everything single thing you say. He adores every bit of it. You can do no wrong in this man’s eyes. Even though you often do wrong. And when you do, he politely looks the other way.

5. The guy who flirts with you but doesn’t expect anything in return.
So men should try to be like this.Change your those things towards the women.

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