Honey: Nectar by right eat, toxins if not eat properly
Honey is very beneficial for health. The proper consumption/use of honey will give us immense benefits for health, but careless consumption and use will act as poison.
It’s use is effective in various diseases. This is the best measure to increase sex**ual stamina. The lost sex$$ual ability will re-awakened by consumption of it from women.
To preserve $ex**u@l ability must eat the honey. In addition, honey increases memory power. It is equally useful to increase appetite and cure for cough to constipation.
Honey is considered an effective medicine for ulcers. Honey is regarded as herbal medicine from Ayurveda to Allopathic treatments. Honey should be made pure by bee.
Benefits from Honey
1. Cough gets disappear with having honey in ginger juice.
2. Jaundice patients will have benefits from ripe mango juice mixed with honey. Sugar should be replaced by honey for children.
3. Honey mixed with mint juice will give relief in vomiting time.
4. For healthy skin apply the combination of honey, milk and cream or gram flour.
5. A glass of milk with honey at night gives curvy, athletic and powerful body from thin body.
6. Daily intake of honey gives strength to stomach and intestine.
7. Cut the onion into pieces in equal proportion to honey. Then, have the combination of them, which releases the frozen cough.
8. It is great tonic for heart artery. Drinking a combination of lemon juice, honey and a glass of water will regulates the heart strength.
9. The little-little stomach wound, and starting in little milk of the ulcer gets cure by consumption of honey in milk or tea.
10. Consumption of equal ratio of honey and lemon juice gives relief from dry cough.
11. Honey gives powerful muscles.
12. Increasing blood pressure gets control with intake of honey and garlic mixture.
13. Intake of equal amount of ginger juice and honey gives relief from respiratory distress and even from hiccups.
14. Two tablespoons of honey mixed in dried orange peel dust powder rub in the skin releases the glowing skin.
15. Constipation gets benefits from intake of honey with tomatoes or orange juice.
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