he eight-minute film revolves around the concept of parallel universes and multiple time dimensions, director and scriptwriter Mainali said. The short film stars emerging theatre actor Umesh Pokharel in lead role and upcoming movie actor Amrit Dhungana in supporting role. A short film produced by Gauri Shankar Entertainment, is all set to release next week on social media. Director Suraz Mainali claims the movie to be the first science-fiction film in Nepal. “This is the first film of its genre in the country,” Mainali said. “The plot depicts how a scientific concept is sowed in the unconscious of the lead actor and how he comes out of his mental turbulence with a grasp over a theory on universe and life.”
 This is the first independent project of 27-year-old Mainali who has worked as an assistant director in several movies in the past. “The film will be released in social media and it is meant to show the world that Nepal can move past traditional notions of filmmaking and overused plot lines,” he said.

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