You may have heard about Swayamvara. According to mythology of India,princess chooses her husband through this Swayamvara process.
Two male cobra are f!ght!g with each other to have a relation with female cobra at “Parassinikkadavu Snake Park” of Kannur, Kerala. According to the CEO of organization, E Kunhiraman,this step have taken to save endangered Cobra species. This is the first attempt of Kerala state. According to Kunhiraman, there is an open space for natural habitat of snakes and king cobra. He said that the main purpose of this project is to learn about breeding process of King Cobra and leave them in the jungle.
To have a relation with female cobra, the male cobras are making a battle in the day by taking rest. 25 years old cobra gets defeated in this battle view. Because the age of another cobra is also 29 years as of the female cobra. King Cobra is necessary to have a control to the other snake. But, the number of these rare cobra is decreasing day by day. Food of these cobras are the other snakes.
P Gaurishanker who have made research on snakes says that we listen rarely that the event of cobra’s bite have happen. Because of this, there will be less difficulty to understand of it’s breeding. A female king cobras gives 25-30 eggs at a time. To take out baby from that egg needs 10 days time.
A project working for welfare of animal is against these attempt. But, Snake Park authorities claims that this is fully natural process and no rights of cobras have been controlled over.

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