This h!l@rious video is uploaded by magnebudo on youtube. This video has more than 22 thousand views. It is a very fun*ny video that shows the m!$underst@ndings between husband and wife. The video starts with the wife working in the kitchen. Suddenly a boy starts tea$!ng her from the nearby house. He first wh!$tles at her. When she looks at him he starts giving fly!ng k!$ses to her. He w!nks, k!$ses and starts acting a b!t $exu@l.The wife then gets really @ng*ry and calls her husband and tells him keep a curt@!n on the window. The husband gets ann*oyed and says why would he spend money on such non$ense. The wife then says that the man from the other house was te@$ing her. The man then says let him watch, he will look at you from top to toe and keep the curta!ns himself. The wife then gets emot!0nal and starts cry!ng. She compla!ns that her mother told her not to marry him, she should had listened to her. The husband gets sh0*cked and asks if she really said that.

The wife says yes and the husband says that he felt gu!lty since he always h@ted his mother-in-law but she is the one who actually cares about him. The wife gets $h0cked and speechle$s.

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