The song is from the movie Resham Filili and is sung by Kali Prasad Baskota and Somea Barail. The movie is going to release on 11th Baishakh 2072. The song of the movie is being very popular and is till now the most heard song. Here is also a dance cover of the song taken over from YouTube which is gaining lot of popularity. In the video we can see amazing dance moves and extremely talented people shaking their legs in this famous song. The video is choreographed and performed by NepRockeerz and edited by Arjun Subedia.

Jaalma (Resham Filili) is already published in many version. Here is the new version of Jaalma (Resham Filili) dance cover by NepRockeerz. Jaalma (Resham Filili) song is also sung by India Singer Gaurav Dagaonkar which is also performing good on Youtube and another version is Jaalma (Resham Filili) by Rajesh Hamal and Karishma Manandhar Comedy video.

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