One more comedy serial is coming in NTV soon — titled ‘Khas Khus’ featuring the comedy actors .After being out of the popular comedy serial ‘Meri Bassai’ the Magne Budha (Kedar Ghimire) and Takme Budha (Wilson Bikram Rai) are going to start a new comedy serial, ‘Khas Khus’. The comedy serial will be screened in Nepal Television. It will compete with other serials like ‘Meri Bassai’, ‘Tito Satya’, ‘Bhadragol’ and ‘Jire Khursani’.The shooting of the comedy serial, being directed by Kedar Ghimire has started in Galchi of Dhading. The serial will feature Takme Budha, Nirmali (Niru Khadka), Muiya (Sunita Gautam) and others. The release date of the serial is not yet announced.One more comedy serial is coming in NTV soon — titled ‘Khas Khus’ featuring the comedy actors .After being out of the popular comedy serial ‘Meri Bassai’ the Magne Budha (Kedar Ghimire) and Takme Budha (Wilson Bikram Rai) are going to start a new comedy serial, ‘Khas Khus’. The comedy serial will be screened in Nepal Television. It will compete with other serials like ‘Meri Bassai’, ‘Tito Satya’, ‘Bhadragol’ and ‘Jire Khursani’.The shooting of the comedy serial, being directed by Kedar Ghimire has started in Galchi of Dhading. The serial will feature Takme Budha, Nirmali (Niru Khadka), Muiya (Sunita Gautam) and others. The release date of the serial is not yet announced.

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