Many people have a habit of sleeping facing towards ground which can cause different health problems because sleeping facing downward affect the blood circulation of human body. It cause pain on body. here are some health problems which are caused due to sleeping styles.

1. Back pain: While sleeping downward facing, the bone of back part is at unnatural position which leads back pain.
2. Pain on muscles: Due to this style of sleeping, problems in blood circulation which cause muscles pain.
3. Pain on neck: This sleeping style makes muscles stretching and affect on blood circulation which cause shoulder and neck pain.
4. Digestions: It can cause problems in digestive system.
5. Headache: This sleeping style make stretching of neck and shoulder muscles which results headache too.
6. Problems on face: Sleeping facing downwards also affect the face because skin of face unable to get sufficient oxygen and result pimples on face.7 health problems can caused by sleeping styles

7. Joint pain: It also cause joint pain.

Advantages of sleeping facing towards left:
– Heart is located at left part of chest which make to do the work of heart easy and helps in blood circulation.
– Due to poles of Earth, digestive foods easily transfer to large intestine and lower part of body from small intestine which easily outflow in morning time.
– Bad elements and toxin of body outflow through lymphatic system.
– It can control acidity because sleeping facing left side prevent the acid burp on mouth.
– It make body healthy because of good circulation of blood and sufficient oxygen.

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